Install Kubernetes Cert-Manager

Using HTTPS to publish your website or expose your API is a must today. Fortunately, the days when you had to spend hundreds of dollars and time to create and manage a valid TLS / SSL certificate are long gone.

Cert-Manager automates the provisioning of certificates within Kubernetes clusters. It provides a set of custom resources for issuing certificates and attaching them to services.

One of the most common use cases is to secure web applications and APIs with Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates.

certmanager, certmanager


Before you get started, you’ll need to have these things:

  • A kubernetes cluster
  • A DNS domanin name
  • Helm

Installing cert-manager

Create a cert-manager namespace :

$:> kubectl create namespace cert-manager
cert-manager created 

Disable resource validation on the cert-manager namespace

cert-manager deploys a webhook component to perform resource validations on Issuer, ClusterIssuer and Certificate. This webhook shouldn’t run on the same namespace the cert-manager is deployed on.

$:> kubectl label namespace cert-manager
namespace/cert-manager labeled

Add the required Helm repository :

$:> helm repo add jetstack
"jetstack" has been added to your repositories 

Search for latest jetstack/cert-manager official Helm chart version :

$:> helm search repo cert-manager
NAME                                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                         
jetstack/cert-manager                   v1.8.0          v1.8.0          A Helm chart for cert-manager                                                                                                                       
jetstack/cert-manager-approver-policy   v0.3.0          v0.3.0          A Helm chart for cert-manager-approver-policy                                                                                                       
jetstack/cert-manager-csi-driver        v0.2.1          v0.2.0          A Helm chart for cert-manager-csi-driver                                                                                                            
jetstack/cert-manager-csi-driver-spiffe v0.2.0          v0.2.0          A Helm chart for cert-manager-csi-driver-spiffe                                                                                                     
jetstack/cert-manager-istio-csr         v0.4.2          v0.4.0          istio-csr enables the use of cert-manager for i...                                                                                                  
jetstack/cert-manager-trust             v0.1.1          v0.1.0          A Helm chart for cert-manager-trust      

Install the cert-manager Helm :

$:> helm upgrade --install cert-manager -n cert-manager --version \
v1.8.0 jetstack/cert-manager --set installCRDs=true
Release "cert-manager" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: cert-manager
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon May 17 18:03:27 2022
NAMESPACE: cert-manager
STATUS: deployed
cert-manager v1.8.0 has been deployed successfully!

Verify installation :

$:> kubectl get pods -n cert-manager
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cert-manager-76578c9687-cl7sm              1/1     Running       0      78s       
cert-manager-cainjector-5c55bb7cb4-hfgfv   1/1     Running       0      78s 
cert-manager-webhook-556f979d7f-6xjhg      1/1     Running       0      78s 

Make sure custom resources * were created successfully :

$:> kubectl get crd | grep cert-manager     2022-05-23T16:03:29Z            2022-05-17T16:03:29Z         2022-05-17T16:03:29Z          2022-05-17T16:03:29Z                 2022-05-17T16:03:29Z             2022-05-17T16:03:29Z 

Verify that ClusterIssuer is non-namespaced scoped (‘false’) ,so it can be used to issue Certificates across all namespaces :

$:>kubectl api-resources | grep clusterissuers 
clusterissuers  false  ClusterIssuer

And now you have installed cert-manager 😀

In the next post we will see how to use cert-manager in Traefik deployment.


Generate a certificate for Traefik Ingress Controller in Kubernetes


Long gone are the days when obtaining a TLS certificate was expensive and time-consuming. Install cert-manager in your Kubernetes cluster once and take advantage of free automated TLS certificate registration and management

Resources :


cert-manager Documentation

cert-manager Certificate

Thank You grommet, grommet