Deploy MySQL instance on Amazon EKS cluster using Terraform

Deploy MySQL instance on Amazon EKS cluster

The purpose of this tutorial is a walk-through of the steps involved in deploying and managing a highly available MySQL database on Amazon EKS.


Before you get started, you’ll need to have these things:

Initial setup

For the creation of the EKS cluster, see the previous post:Create Amazon EKS cluster using Terraform

Clone the repository and install the dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd terraform-aks-aws/mysql
$ terraform init


Create a MS SQL Server instance:

$ terraform apply \
 -var="name=mysql-deployment-student1" \
 -var="namespace=student1" \
 -var="pvc=pvc-sql-data01" \
 -var="mysql_pvc_size=50Gi" \
 -var="mysql_storage_class=gp2" \
 -var="mysql_image_url=mysql" \
 -var="mysql_image_tag=8.0.25" \

If you use the terraform apply command without parameters the default values will be those defined in the file.

This will do the following :

  • create a namespace
  • create of the secret object for the password sa for the MS SQL Server instance
    • the password is base64 encoded, in this example the password is : Bench123
  • create a PVC : Persistant Volume Claim
  • create a deployment object for MySQL Server : create a MySQL Server instance
  • create a service object for MySQL Server instance:

Tear down the whole Terraform plan with :

$ terraform destroy -force

Resources can be destroyed using the terraform destroy command, which is similar to terraform apply but it behaves as if all of the resources have been removed from the configuration.

Remote control

Check if your MySQL instance works:

$ kubectl get pods -n student1

NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-deployment-student1-6bf9d4c965-tngnl   1/1     Running   0          5m

To access the MySQL Server Instance :

$ MYSQLPOD=`kubectl -n student1 get pods -l app=mysql | grep Running | grep 1/1 | awk '{print $1}'`
$ kubectl -n student1 exec -it $MYSQLPOD -- mysql -u root -pBench123 -e 'select @@version'

| @@version |
| 8.0.25    |

Now that we are inside the shell, we can populate create a sample database and table.

Step1 : get a sample database

 $ wget
 $ unzip

Step2 : copy The Employees database files in POD :

$ kubectl -n student1 cp test_db-master student1/$MYSQLPOD:/home

Verified that the files are copied correctly :

$ kubectl -n student1 exec -it $MYSQLPOD -- ls /home/test_db-master
Changelog                      load_dept_emp.dump      objects.sql                      load_dept_manager.dump  sakila
employees.sql                  load_employees.dump     show_elapsed.sql
employees_partitioned.sql      load_salaries1.dump
employees_partitioned_5.1.sql  load_salaries2.dump     test_employees_md5.sql
images                         load_salaries3.dump     test_employees_sha.sql
load_departments.dump          load_titles.dump

Step3 : run the SQL scripts for creating the employee data base and loading the data

$ cd test_db-master
$ kubectl -n student1 exec -it $MYSQLPOD -- mysql -u root -pBench123 < employees.sql
storage engine: InnoDB
LOADING departments
LOADING employees
LOADING dept_emp
LOADING dept_manager
LOADING titles
LOADING salaries

Let’s run a few queries on the table.

$ kubectl -n student1 exec -it $MYSQLPOD -- mysql -u root -pBench123 employees -e "select count(*) from employees"
| count(*) |
|   300024 |

if you have installed an AWS Load Balancer Controller and assigned the MySQL service you can connect to your instance directly using the external IP address.

More information on this link for the installation of a AWS Load Balancer Controller.

Get the external IP address :

$ kubectl get svc -n student1
NAME                                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP                                                              PORT(S)          
mysql-deployment-student1-service   LoadBalancer   3306:30182/TCP

The external IP address is :

You can access the MySQL Server instance with your favorite tool like MySQLWorkbench :




MySQL can easily be deployed on Amazon EKS to run stateful workloads in production. Terraform makes it easy to manage Kubernetes clusters and Kubernetes resources effectively. It gives organizations the opportunity to work with infrastructure-as-code, management of platforms, and also the opportunity to create modules for self-service infrastructure. Terraform Kubernetes provider gives organizations all the required tools necessary to manage Kubernetes clusters in the environment.

Resources :

Documentation, the Terraform Documentation Terraform Documentation

Documentation, A sample database MySQL A sample database with an integrated test suite, used to test your applications and database servers

Documentation, the AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes

Documentation, the AWS CLI AWS CLI

Thank You grommet, grommet